Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Ah ha! I have discovered the easiest and cheapest way to Nice and Grasse! So, on my first day off I took the bus (ligne TAM 500 Grasse-Nice) to Grasse, France, home of the Parfumerie Fragonard. This was my first time venturing off to another town while I was here in the South of France! I was pretty excited about this. I took the bus and made my way into the city of Grasse. This isn't a beach city, but more of a hilly confined town with winding side streets filled with shops and vendors. I had found a numbered guide online of sites to see while in Grasse, so I made my way to each one. I was most excited to visit the perfume factory Fragonard. I had a guided tour and bought the newest line of perfume. All perfume is made in the factory from fresh flowers and no chemicals. Coming out smelling like a flower, I ventured off to find lunch. I found a perfect little cafe and ordered my jambon et fromage sandwich and panache (half beer half ginger ale).

What a great day! Back to pick up the kids from school at 4!

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