Thursday, July 30, 2009

Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain - Nice

Phrase of the day:
So who is my favorite artist? Alors, qui est mon artiste favorite?

One of my biggest excitements about going to the France for the summer was the great art I would be able to see. I'm at the point in my life where I'm still searching for that one artist that captures my interest and I can deem my favorite. I'm always asked "So you are an art history major, who is your favorite artist?" and I honestly can't answer it yet, so yes I'm still on the quest for my favorite artist. This trip to the Contemorary Museum of Nice was a big help in my quest.
As I walked into the museum these huge floor to ceiling drawings of guns pointing straight at me, stopped me in my tracks. Robert Longo was the current temporary exhibition at the museum and his drawings were...amazing!! Ok not only drawings, but huge sculptures too of figures in distress and panic. He is an American painter and sculptor and was first recognized for his "Men in the Cities" series (The one I was standing in front of) in the 80's.

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