Saturday, July 25, 2009

Gross Vague!!

Phrase of the day:
A day at the beach with the kids! Un jour a la plage avec les enfants!

Yesterday I took Clement and Valentin to the beach with me for the first time since I had been visiting. They had definitely been begging for me to take them for a good week now! We lathered up the sunscreen, slapped on our hats and bathing suits, and stuffed my bag with towels. As we headed out the door and made our way to the handy dandy 1euro bus, the kids were shouting "allez allez, vite! nous voulons la plage!" So instead of walking, we ran to the bus for no reason, just out of pure excitement... these kids bring me back to being 7 again!

We decided to go to Canges sur Mer for our beach day. Its a beautiful town lining the ocean about ten minutes from Nice. As we hopped off the bus, we ran again to get to the beach. I must say, it was fun and made me more excited about the beach than I was. The kids instantly threw all their stuff down and dove straight into the ocean.

I must say, it was a perfect beach day indeed. Just enough wind to make the waves ideal for body surfing and not too many people on the beach. At lunch we ate our sandwiches that I had made in the morning and we were right back in the water after that. The day was spent tanning and swimming in and out to the dock to jump off with other local kids.

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